Legaleagle Training
The following topics will be under consideration:
The role that PPE now plays in the Billing of Crown Court work (Advocates)
The position regarding payment for unused material (Litigators and Advocates)
The position regarding the increased fees for Advocates in cases that crack
The circumstances in which you can claim for one complete trial and the circumstances in which you can claim for a trial and a re-trial (Litigators)
The fee payable to the Advocate where he/she is the Advocate at the original trial and at the re-trial
Deciding how many ‘cases’ you have when it comes to Billing
Having the classification of the offence re-classified in order to achieve a higher fee – the case-law and guidance in this area
PPE served in a non-paper format – discs and memory sticks
Fitness to plead hearings and the Advocate choosing the Banding relevant to the Count on the indictment or Banding 5.3 – don’t under-claim in this area
The changing of the classification of the offence where a restriction order is made under Section 41 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (Litigators) – don’t under-claim in this area
Clients who have been assessed as having to pay a contribution from both Income and Capital – get your advice right at the very beginning and continue to advise the client throughout as to his/her costs position as it changes
Time periods for billing – fee income and/or disbursements
Being the Second Litigator in the case
The distinction between being ‘sent’ to the Crown Court and being ‘committed for sentence’ to the Crown Court and the different fees claimable
Judicial apportionment and where it might be appropriate
The fees claimable for the client where the Crown Court Judge makes a Defendant’s Costs Order pursuant to Section 16 of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985
The importance of Statutory Instrument 2016 No.313 and Statutory Instrument 2013 No. 435
Special Preparation – the tests are different as between Litigators and Advocates